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A grand jury in St. Louis, Missouri announced no indictment in the killing of teenager Michael Brown, leaving officer Darren Wilson a free man. Celebs immediately took to Twitter to express how they felt with this shocking verdict.
The no indictment verdict came in around 9pm ET on Nov. 24 and immediately the town of Ferguson, MO., went wild with rage. Prosecutor Robert McCullochannounced that Darren Wilson would not be charged in the killing of Michael Brown, 18, which happened on Aug. 9, 2014.
Ferguson Verdict: Celebs React On Twitter
Sadly, the family of Michael Brown — and the city of Ferguson — did not receive the justice it was so passionately hoping for.
Instead, a grand jury decided they would not be indicting police officer Darren Wilson in the death of the teenager, which led to an almost immediate outrage not just in Ferguson, but all over America.
Celebrities opted out of rioting against the verdict and instead took to social media to express their anger and sadness.
See a full list of tweets from celebrities such as Katy Perry, LeBron James,Pharrell Williams, Olivia Munn, and so many others.