So right before you start getting it all wrong, don't you think you should know your body type? So as to ascertain the ideal training regimen and dieting that will help you reach your realistic goals.
There are 3 basic human body types,
1. Ectomorph
2. Mesomorph
3. Endomorph
Ectomorph: you got narrow hips? And clavicles (Collar Bone)? Your joints (Wrist, Ankles) are small? And you got you a Stringy belly? Ahaaaa!!! That’s you up there. lol. Newsflash you are basically a hard gainer because your body metabolism is fast, your body burns calories like Hell, Have faith you don't have to quit the gym. All you have to do is up your calories intake ( you can boost with supplements), make your workouts short and intense focusing more on big muscle groups such as gluts, quads & hamstrings, chest. Ensure you eat before bed time; remember your body is a calories furnace. On the bright side it’s always easy for you to cut down and gain lean muscle so smile
Mesomorph: You have wide clavicles? Narrow waist, thinner joints long and round muscle belly then you must be athletic, Strong, gain muscle easily as well as fat implying you must watch your calories intake. A combo of weight Training (Relatively heavy weights and short rest between sets) and cardio will do the magic for you.