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Saturday, 5 August 2017

Another shocking STD lawsuit against Usher

American singer, Usher has yet anotherlawsuit to face and it is getting worse each day for him, as he’s accused of exposing several women to herpes.

Now 2 women and a man are about to file a lawsuit against him, claiming Usher exposed them to the STD as well.

Celebrity attorney Lisa Bloom (who represented Blac Chyna recently) says, she’ll file the suit Monday in California and hold a news conference in NYC to correspond with the filing. One of the women will appear at the news conference. The 2 others will remain anonymous and will appear in the lawsuits only as Jane Doe and John Doe.

Bloom says all 3 individuals claim to have had sexual contact with Usher after 2012, and he failed to tell them he allegedly had the STD

It has to be a tough thing to speak about in public.