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Sunday, 3 September 2017

Singer Flavour says marriage is not on his mind

Nigerian singer Flavour is a father of two beautiful daughters, and one of the most eligible bachelors in the entertainment industry.

However, for those anxiously waiting to know when he will walk down the aisle, you will have to wait a while longer. Flavour has said he does not have marriage on his mind. For now, he has eyes ONLY for his first love.

When asked if marriage is on his to-do list, Flavour told Punchng,

To be sincere with you my brother, I am married to my music for now.

Music is a very jealous lover and it is quite difficult combining an active music career with anything else. One of them would have to suffer and I don’t think I’m ready for that now.”

Speaking on the women that have confessed to having a crush on him, he said,

“I think that’s a good thing. If women like you as an artiste, it means your ‘market’ is selling.”